Thursday, December 6

More on Facebook (and Heroes)

In an earlier post, I briefly talked about Facebook and its more shady sides. This is a few days old, but recently the New York Times had an article on another "interesting" new feature, namely a new advertising program.

What does this program do? It sends messages to users' friends about what they're buying on other websites. If that's not a violation of privacy, I don't know what is. Now all your friends will find out about that inflatable sex doll you just ordered!

*ahem* Anyway, I won't spend more time on this than I should. I generally don't jump on bandwagons, in this case the Facebook love/hate, but this felt important enough to note.

As for the TV show Heroes, it's really getting dangerously close to getting a second Notice, meaning it will become dead to me. Seriously, this second season is nothing short of a disaster. Horrible plots that seem to go nowhere, ridiculous characters, every single cliché in the book... Even when compared to comic books, it's become less Uncanny X-Men and more West Coast Avengers. Unoriginal, drab, dull, just plain bad.

The reason for this? Well, something comes to mind. Since the first ten episodes of season one or so, there was this rumor that there would be a whole new cast of heroes for season two, since the original bunch would have their storylines completed at the season finale. Which they did. But then the show started becoming more and more successful, and people started loving the characters. Why, I do not know. But that's besides the point, as the season progressed, we started hearing rumors than few, perhaps a lot, of the heroes would remain for season two as well.

Then season two came along, and we found out that all the characters had remained. Even Sylar, the main villain, who only survived thanks to the age-old cliché, "Why check the bad guy's dead body to make sure he's dead? That'd make too much sense!" Oh, except D.L. I guess, who never figured out how to phase through a bullet. I mean, seriously. Once, I'd understand it. But being shot twice?

At any rate, season two progressed, with most characters never really going anywhere. After all, they weren't really meant to, their stories were over. Their quests were finished.

And then people started resurrecting. If there's one thing you can do to make people lose interest, is killing characters and then bringing them back like it's no big deal. This isn't Dragonball Z, people. Not only it makes their deaths/sacrifices meaningless, it's also incredibly lazy. It's the easy way out of a tough situation for a character, and also the less interesting one.

I'm ranting, so the last thing I'd like to say is that if you thought the castaways of Lost act like morons sometimes, then the cast of Heroes must be really flippin' retarded. Honestly, you're about to make one of the biggest, most important, revelations in human history, you have not one but two mind-readers with you, and you fall right into a sniper's trap? Are you kidding me? Even if there will be an explanation for it (the killer could "cloak" himself) there's better ways to kill off Nathan Petrelli (Spoilers, hah!) than this. If he stays dead, nobody seems to do anyway.

Ah, nothing like letting loose of your frustration through blabbing mindlessly. It's oh so sweet.

Last thing for this post would be the following video, a good title for it would be "SUPRISE BUTTSECKS" and it's not really suitable for work. It's not really that funny, and I cannot imagine why the person filming didn't put down the camera to help... But if this happened to every snot-nosed kid that just won't shut his damn mouth when playing an online game, the internets would be a much better place.


Tom said...

Actually, that was pretty funny. The kid didn't even stop playing.

It's like those Funniest Home Video clips where something horribly painful happens to somebody and the cameraman just keeps filming while his "buddy" is writhing on the ground in pain. Strong friendship there, buddy.

And I think that the second season of Heroes has been improving over the past four or so episodes. The beginning of the season was painful, properly painful, but the recent episodes are definitely better if not yet "good."

Oh, and that scene when Kristen Bell and Hayden Panettiere were all angry and up in each other's faces I was crossing me fingers and thinking, "make out! Come on, make out!"

Tom said...

Oh, and I just read a few threads about Heroes on IMDB and I'm pretty sure that I'm stupider now.

George said...

I felt that there was a point where Heroes did start improving, but then they shot themselves in the foot again by making the same old mistakes. To me, it shows a lack of focus, this season had no clear direction at all.

As for Hayden Panettiere/Kristen Bell making out, you're not the only one that thought that! Check this pic out:

(HTML link didn't want to work for some reason <.<)

As for the IMDB forums... dude, that's one of the places that makes you stupider by just visiting them, like the GameFAQs and WoW forums. :D

George said...

Forgot to say, before you emphasize on the two girls, take a look at Masi Oka's look in the back.
