Saturday, December 29


I like subtle humor, especially irony, as much as the next guy. Humor doesn't have to be lolololroflmao funny in order to work. Hell, if somebody put a gun to my head and asked me to choose, I'd probably choose subtle humor over say, a fart joke. Not that I'd appreciate being threatened by a gun and being asked such inane questions, mind you.

At any rate, despite any personal preferences, there's times when ridiculous, over-the-top, obnoxious humor works so damn well. Take for example the Powerthirst video, which I posted in September. It's utterly silly, but I find it hilarious.

All of the above is just an elaborate way of saying that I found out that there's a Powerthirst 2 video out, and my justification on why I like it.

"If God gives you lemons, YOU FIND A NEW GOD."

And subtlety be damned. No, not the rogue talent tree in WoW, I can't live without Dirty Tricks.

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