Wednesday, December 26

A Christmas Carol

This is a bit late, but I had a few drinks earlier and then I was dragged into a heroic Mechanar run (that being a dungeon in WoW. Yes, I played WoW on Christmas day. I am doomed). On the bright side, I'm three badges away from my Ninja boots.

In any case, it was Christmas today. A lot of people are ranting about how commercialized it all is, how the only point of these celebrations is to get you to spent money and how it's all useless and all that. Well, I find that it's only useless and meaningless if you spent your money on shit you can neither afford nor really need. Yes, the use of the word "shit" really is needed here. However, there's nothing wrong with buying a little gift that's gonna make you a little happier than usual (*hint hint, nudge nudge* Buy me Guitar Hero 3 please.)

Which brings me to the other thing; people complaining about being forced to be happy over the holiday season. I do agree that you're practically forced to be "cheerful and merry" over this time of year, but let's face it: Being happy is much more fun than being all glum. I see the holiday season as an excuse to forget about the things that bring me down on a daily basis, and try to be a little less gloomy than usual. That's all there is to it.

Don't forget, you might get on some people's nerves by being happy, but at least you won't bore them silly, which will be the case when you're being all depressive.

On a related matter, one of the movies I loved as a kid and tried to watch on every single year was Mickey's Christmas Carol. I was a huge fan of Disney movies and comics as a kid, but this one was special to me. I was pleasantly surprised when I found it on YouTube earlier this week. I'm not quite sure how long it will remain there, but for now I'm just going to watch the movie, reminisce about the past and try not to be gloomy. It ain't that hard, you should try it too.

Watch part one here:

The rest can be found here: Part Two, Part Three, Part Four.

Merry (belated) friggin' Christmas people.

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