Thursday, January 31

So Edwards dropped out.

John Edwards, that is. A few days before "Super Tuesday" too. Shame, as I liked him. It didn't really seem like he ever got a legitimate chance at winning, but I liked him more than Hillary, and even Obama at times.

It'll be interesting to see which remaining Democratic candidate his followers will turn to, seeing as Edwards will not officially endorse either of them. The easy answer would be Hillary because "lol she's white" but Obama has shown to be quite popular amongst the white population as well.

In other news, I need to stop posting at such late hours, and House was of course awesome last night. It was a bit strange to see an Xmas episode one month after the actual holiday, but the episode itself was wonderful. Fantastic dialog once more, and an ending with a surprise, sardonic, twist. Also, milk in the knee, what the Hell?


Tom said...

With Edwards supporters, myself among them, it's not about Obama's a dude or Clinton's white - it's that Clinton and Obama have fundamentally the same platform and it's not really the "change" platform that both of them are claiming. Sure Obama's black and Clinton's a woman but they're still running on a Democratic party-line platform with the devil being in the details.

The truth of the matter is that Edwards didn't have a chance once the "a woman and a black man!" train picked up speed. It doesn't really matter if either of them are more qualified then other candidates (they're not) or if they represent any truly new developments in the party (they don't) it's just that neither of them are white men.

You know me, I don't give two shits what you carry between your legs or what color your skin is. I just care about who can do the job and who's bullshitting us.

George said...

That's the thing, Edwards always seemed a bit too vanilla compared to Billary and Obama.

On one hand you have a woman, who also happens to be the wife of the last generally-loved president, and on the other hand there's a black dude who makes rousing speeches and kinda subconsciously reminds people of MLK Jr. Even if similarities between them are scarce.

And then you have Edwards who was known for... supporting Kerry, Mr. NoCharisma, the most dull of presidential nominees in recent memory. Ouch.

I guess that's part of why he's so sympathetic to me. That, and he also seemed to be the most consistent one in his proposed policies.

As I'm writing this, I find it hard not to think how the '04 elections would have been if it were Edwards/Kerry and not the other way around.

Tom said...

Yeah, once I started really listening to the issues it was hard not to support Edwards among the Democrats. Too bad he's gone, though. Le sigh.