Thursday, January 17

An astronomy picture a day...

Does something-something-something-else-that-rhymes-with "day."

Quiet days, these last ones, not too exciting either but hey. I'm not complaining, I like quiet.

I did come across something very interesting today though. A website called Astronomy Picture of the Day. As you may have guessed, it features a different picture of our universe every day, accompanied by commentary by an astronomer.

I find pictures of different planets, solar systems and even galaxies to be quite fascinating. It's always a good reminder to know that we live in a practically infinite universe, where our little blue planet is but less than a drop in the proverbial ocean.

Yes, there's just something about the universe, and pictures related to it. Sometimes I actually find them scary, be it a picture of a supernova or a picture of a lonely planet. I'm not sure why, but pictures of a single planet, with only perpetual darkness around it is just... terrifying to me.

Some others are simply majestic. Especially Nebulas, and the myriads of colors that make them up. I guess supernovas are also majestic. In a terrifying way. And then there's always the Hubble Ultra Deep Field.

Speaking of Nebulas, the Carina Nebula might be on to us, despite it being 8,000 light years away.

I know we earthlings aren't the best of kinds, but that's just rude, man. It's not polite to give the finger like that to people you don't know. *pouts*

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