Wednesday, January 30

Guillermo Del Toro to direct The Hobbit


Yes, I know. Long time no see. As I've said a few times before, this is a slow month. Plus with me having a new console after so long, I haven't been particularly inspired with writing anything. It's much easier to shoot people dead in Halo 3. I'm loving the matchmaking system they've implemented, too, as it helps hopelessly bad players such as myself to avoid all the "pros" and "elites" out there. Much love.

Anyway, cult-favorite Mexican director Guillermo Del Toro has been rumored (or should that be pretty much confirmed?) selected to film the movie adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. After the success of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, it was inevitable that this movie would be someday made, and after Peter Jackson announced that he wouldn't be involved in directing the Hobbit, most people were rather skeptical. Myself included.

But I think this is good news. As a fan of both of Del Toro's commercial projects (Hellboy, I even liked Mimic. But not Blade 2) and his more low-key, more personal films (The Devil's Backbone, Pan's Labyrinth) I'm quite pleased to hear he's, probably, going to be the man to direct the Hobbit. He has both the artistic vision to make sure the movie will stay true to its roots, and hopefully add his special kind of eerie, surreal horror to it, as well as the necessary knowledge on how to make a commercially successful movie. And let's face it, this is going to be a big, expensive project, and it will have to be a box office hit. Not that this is a bad thing, unlike what some people would have you thinking.

New House M.D episode tonight, too! The wait has been long, but it's definitely worth it, as we're getting three episodes in eight days (today, on Superbowl Sunday and again next Tuesday.) Of course the wait after that is going to be even longer, but y'know, shtuff happens.

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