Friday, January 25

I has a 360

An Xbox360, that is. About time, too.

Setting up Xbox live prove to be a long and frustrating affair, I honestly don't understand why simple things like this must take so damn long. I'm not trying to sell my spleen here (or worse yet, somebody else's) -I'm just trying to play some games. Anyway, all's well that ends well. Fuck Greece, though.

First thing I did was download the new Devil May Cry 4 demo. It's really damn impressive. You get two options, either play a 10-minute long run of a stage (reminiscent of the old Resident Evil 2 demo) or the Executioner mode, in which so far I've fought three opponents that looked like mini-bosses, and an actual boss. I kinda suck in DMC games, so I haven't finished either so far, but it's damn fun and the boss fight is visually astonishing.

The new moves, namely the ability to "charge" your sword for stronger attacks and a throw ability, really add a lot of depth to the gameplay and provide with even more options to (stylishly) dispose of your enemies. I can't wait to see what kind of combos the "pros" will come up with. I was a bit skeptical about this game at first, but it's shaping up to be a must-have.

The special edition is available for pre-order for a mere 30 English pounds at Amazon, by the way. Heck of a deal, if you ask me.

After that, I just had to download Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. It doesn't matter if I've completed this game like 6-7 times so far, I just have to have it. I'm probably going to play it through again during the week. A full run takes me less than eight hours, nowadays.

But the game I was really waiting to play? Guitar Hero 3! Or its demo, at any rate. Damn. I ended up playing for around 90 minutes and I didn't even realize how time had passed. My hands hurt, even. And to think I used to mock this game, heh. I don't even want to imagine how addicted I'll be to the full game. Or worse, Rock Band.

One last thing about Xbox Live, there's this fun, addictive, little game called Undertow that's being offered for free through Xbox Live Arcade until the 27th of this month. It's a small download and the game is definitely worth it. I'm willing to bet it's awesome on multiplayer.

Next games to play: Virtua Fighter 5, Mass Effect, Bioshock, Street Figher 2 Hyper Fighting and Ultimate Mortal Kombat. Oh, my poor aching wallet. :[


Tom said...

I always loved the DMC games because of the "pure" gameplay they represent but I was always disappointed to find that I suck at them. Did you ever play the original DMC at my place on the PS2?

George said...

I know what you mean, I love how the game focuses purely on gameplay and the amount of options it gives you when it comes to disposing enemies.

Sadly, I could never pull off all those funky combo and insane evasions people seem to do. Oh, well.

I played the original back in uh, 2001 I think? Loved it to bits, I still remember how people used to call it "Castlevania 3D done right." I actually liked the N64 Castlevanias, but that's besides the point.

I played the second one in my PS2, but damn that one sucked hard. The third DMC game was far too difficult for me. I gave up at the second stage.