Friday, November 16

Ever had... of those days when you just can't write anything at all, no matter how hard you try? That's how my week has been, I couldn't write to save my life.

I still can't, for that matter. So here's a few tidbits from around the 'Net (O.o) to tide you over until I manage to write an actual update. Which will happen eventually, don't forget that everything in this country has changed since George Papandreou won the PASOK elections. Seriously, who saw that coming?


Anyway, here we go:

A surfer dude apparently came up with the Grand Unified Theory(reference). I'm not sure what's going on here, or how this is possible, but it's random enough to be true. It'd definitely be hilarious.

I've never read the His Dark Materials books, but from what I've been told it's pretty much Narnia for atheists. Which is fine by me, naturally. Kinda wish I could have read those books when I was younger, in fact. A movie based on the first book, The Golden Compass, is coming out on December 7, and although it's supposed to be a lot more tame than the book, the trailer is really impressive, I find. Watch it here.

Lastly, details regarding a movie based on the popular fighting game Tekken have surfaced, and pretty much every sane human being left on this planet (alongside several not-so-sane ones) wished they hadn't. Just for shits and giggles, here's the description of Jin Kazama, probably the most famous Tekken character, and one of the central protagonists of its story:

JIN – Hero supreme with a serious drug problem, he’s hooked on ZEN and does what he can to get his next fix.

What does that even mean? I've played all Tekken games and I don't know what the Hell this "ZEN" thing is, and I seriously doubt they're referring to Buddhism. A Buddhism-addict would be pretty interesting though, now that I think of it.

I really don't understand why the people adapting all these gaming franchises for the big screen decide to radically alter them. It's the perfect way to alienate your fans, which makes no sense as those are the ones interested in watching the movie in the first place, casual viewers are easy to dismiss movies based on videogames due to their bad rep. Which they deserve, of course. Talk about a vicious cycle.

Oh well, looks like another movie to catch on a DVD with a few friends and some beers on some idle Tuesday. Which isn't that bad, of course.

In other news, House M.D. has been abso-fucking-lutely brilliant so far this season, definitely my favorite show on TV at the moment. It even keeps getting better with each episode, when you think they could never top last week's episode. Amazing.

On an unrelated note, I'll be working for Greenpeace, starting Monday.

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