Monday, October 15

This can't be life

This is a couple of days old, but I just found out that publishing giants Electronic Arts bought up both BioWare Corp. and Pandemic Studios.

This is terrible, terrible news. EA aren't joking around when they buy up a company, they completely reshape it to their needs, or even disband it if necessary. Just look what happened to some of the best gaming companies of the 90's, like Westwood and Bullfrog. Have no doubt that this will happen with these two companies as well. Which sucks, especiall in BioWare's case, as it's the one company that always provided us with top-notch Roleplaying games.

First Black Isle closed down, and now BioWare is gone, too. There's always the chance that the same people that made up this company will form up a new one, but in the meantime, you should look forward to seeing your favorite RPG franchises being milked dry by EA.

Excellénte. *sigh*

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