Thursday, October 11

Irony is a wonderful thing.

This is a bit of old news, but it's too good to not mention it, even if it's been a while since it happened.

Those of you that have played / are playing MMORPG's know that the buying and selling of characters is nothing new. I remember seeing Jedis being sold for around 2,000 dollars in Star Wars Galaxies, back before everybody and his sister was a Jedi in that game. Same thing with high level characters in Lineage 2, Everquest 2 and every other major MMORPG.

Now in the case of World of Warcraft, since leveling is so easy, characters weren't being sold for that much. Perhaps if their items were good, but still they did not reach such prices.

But in the case of Zeuzo, Night Elf rogue of Sylvanas EU, and one of the precious few people in WoW to have both legendary swords of Azzinoth, which belong to one of the most famous characters in the Warcraft universe, Illidan, the price was much higher. Some nutjob paid seven thousand euros for Zeuzo's account. That's 9,909.09 American dollars.

I won't even begin discussing why it was a bad idea to give such items to regular players. Warcraft lore and the actual game of World of Warcraft are two almost separate entities nowadays, and Blizzard seems to be fine with it. They are, after all, swimming in seas of cash.

What's more interesting in this case is that due to the publicity that this buyout attracted, the new account, owned by the person who paid for it, was banned only a few days later after the event. So not only did he pay an obscene amount of money, he can't even use it to... well, show off to his online buddies, since I doubt he could do much more anyway.

Such is life. *shrugs*

I've also added a link to the deviantART gallery of a good friend of mine, and professional illustrator, Manthos Lappas. It's full of awesome goodness, you should go check it.

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