Wednesday, May 23

'Tis the time of the season

How did that go anyway, "the time" or "that time"?

At any rate, I don't have time to wonder about that. As I'm writing this, Liverpool is losing 1-0 to AC Milan in the Champions League final. That's soccer, if you're not from this continent. Two years ago, I was writing an email and Liverpool was losing 3-0 to AC Milan again. By the time I had finished the mail, they had tied the game up. So yes, I'm sorta hoping for the same effect here.

I know, I'm hopeless. So what?

Anyway, this week marks the season finales for most TV shows, at least the ones that didn't had their finale's last week. Hello, CSI. Thanks for that cliffhanger, it's gonna be a long wait till October. *grumbles*

(Damn, Liverpool almost scored just now, I told you people there's a reason why I'm doing this!)

Anyway, many people have been overly critical over the season finale of Heroes, which was admittedly rather awkward and with quite a few plot-holes. In all honesty, Heroes was never that good a show to begin with, and plot-holes were abundant all season long. Why change now?

As far as TV shows go, it's kinda dumb, but fun. Sorta like a superhero comic book, but even more cheesy. Sure, there were a few moments of greatness here and there throughout the year (Company Man, that "Days of Future Past" episode) but they were the exception, not the rule.

One major point of criticism was the final "battle" that was over in like three seconds. That was rather anti-climatic, but I never got why people get so fascinated over battles in TV shows. I honestly doubt I've seen a good one on TV. With the possible exception of Jin kicking that Russian Other's ass in Lost, but that was over in a few seconds too.

Speaking of Lost, season finale is on in a few hours and it should be fucking epic. Epic. This show has kicked so much ass in the last couple of months.

I haven't watched 24 yet, but by the sounds of it, I'm not missing much. (Pavlos, if you spoil anything for me again you won't live long enough to see season 7!)

And finally... on to my favorite show in recent years, Veronica Mars, which just had its series finale last night. The finale was completely anti-climatic, but that's to be expected, as it was designed as a season finale with a cliffhanger, rather than a series finale. Too many questions remain unanswered, there is no real closure, and the ending is definitely not a happy one.

But you know, for me, it worked wonderfully like that. For a show that was a massive success with critics but never with the actual audience, a show that went through countless near-cancellations, with Execs tainting it and almost turning it into a teen drama... It felt oddly appropriate to go on such an unhappy note, and definitely not with a bang. Not with a whimper either though, because the last two episodes aired last night reminded me why I fell in love with this show the first time. Brilliant writing, brilliant acting, just quality TV at its finest.

(And again, ahhh! C'mon Liverpool!)

It also made accepting the fact that the series is over a bit harder to stomach, as the suckfest episodes we got in the last month actually made me glad the show would end this year. But at the same time, it's good to see the show ending on such a high note.

Going back to the unhappy ending and how it feels appropriate, one of the main themes of the show since season 1 was the fact that whatever you do, how honest your intentions are, and how much you try... sometimes you'll fail, you'll fuck up, sometimes things will not turn out the way you want them to, no matter how much that might hurt you.

And exactly that is why this ending seems so fitting. Not only because things went south since Veronica and her dad messed up (not putting up any spoilers, watch the damn thing), but because this also works for the series itself. No matter how much its creators tried, no matter what sacrifices they made in order to retain their show on air, they failed. But that doesn't matter. They provided us with three years of quality TV, and that's more than enough.

Also, apparently VM has just been cancelled on Greek TV as well. Figures.

(Ass, 2-0. Grr.)

I'll admit to something here, I used to watch Gilmore Girls until season 6, which sucked all sorts of ass... is the series finale worth watching? Even just for the heck of it.

(Come on, damnit.)

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