Monday, January 15

Random stuff.

God, I love these highly descriptive titles.

This'll be a quick post, because I'm drowning in article deadlines and I'm feeling so goddamn tired lately. Tired enough so I can't do anything decently since I space out after a while, but not tired enough to sleep for a while. Grrr. Anyway, enough whining for one post.

Here's something I found in my mailbox and thought it was sorta interesting and somewhat funny. Edutaining, if you will. The Meatrix. Basically, it's a short documentary made in flash, but with animal characters reprising roles from, you guessed it, the Matrix.

It's almost worth it for the bull called "Moofius", but it does bring up some interesting points as well. It's mostly stuff you've heard before, about the horrible conditions in which the animals that end up in our dinner tables live, and how big corporations are destroying, well, everything and yadda yadda.

Still, it has animals with anthropomorphic characteristics as protagonists, so this makes it a modern fable, of sorts, right? A modern fable, with Moofius.

And then there's this huge list of jokes that the kind people of Games Radio have collected, and trust me when I say it's huge. Sadly, the jokes are all in Greek, so those of you not familiar with the language are kinda screwed. Sorry!

But if you can read Greek, check it out. Given that there's so many jokes in this file, there's bound to be at least a few you'll like. Do ignore the first one if you're not into surreal humor, though. Σοβαρολογώ! /Greek

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