Wednesday, January 31

Of clouds and silver linings.

For the past few days, I've been thinking of writing a long-winded rant about something I came across on the Internet...s. It's related to two things, World of Warcraft and complete, undeniable stupidity. Two things that are anything but mutually exclusive, at least as far as the people playing WoW are concerned. I should stop being so cryptic, this "something" is a thread from the official WoW forums, a place I've called Purgatory a lot of times in the past, and I stand by that description, the people posting there are often a perfect example of humanity at its worse.

But you know what? I decided I won't discuss it here, I won't even mention the subject of that thread. Why? It's really quite simple. There's so much stupidity in the world already, there's no reason to perpetuate it more. Like Neil Gaiman said in that awesome book of his called American Gods, we're better off not knowing the details some times. There was a thread in the official WoW forums, and the people in it were being stupid. That's all you want, no, that's all you need to know.

I'm serious, I refuse to talk about the thread, or even link to it. I try to keep this blog lighthearted, and the stupid things I mention here have to be of the funny-stupid variation, not the soul-destroying one. If you're a glutton for punishment and/or pain, go read God Mode or something equally as dumb. Or watch the trailer from Uwe Boll's latest "masterpiece", you will be spending your time in a much more productive way if you do that. The trailer is NSFA by the way, not suitable for anywhere.

And yes, that would be all. I find it self-defeating to spend your time on things that destroy your brain cells. I dunno about you, but I like mine. Hell I even keep them in shape with Brain Training! (tm)

Anyway, I'm ranting again so I'll head straight to my real point in this post; sometime even the most seemingly useless things end up giving us something useful. I'll continue this in a second post because this has gotten way too long for one post.


I may have sneaked in a link to the, by now infamous, WoW thread to satisfy the curious ones out there, but consider yourselves warned and follow it at your own peril. I'm not responsible for any emotional (or even physical) scars you may get while reading it.


I really need to start making shorter posts, I keep losing my train of thought every so often, 'pologies for that. But whenever I'm blogging it's always a stream of consciousness thing, so it can't really be helped either. *shrugs*


Tom said...

Seriously, George, your posts are all so long! *grin* Hehe, it's funny because I can't really talk.

Anyway - yeah, doing something that you admit is moronic and that you get no pleasure out of on any level is self-defeating, but I would argue that you must be getting some pleasure out of it in order to do it. At the same time, so many things we do are self-defeating, idiotic, pointless, etc etc etc but we do them anyway. Why? Because we gain satisfaction on some level. Reading stuff from stupid people makes us feel smart even as it burns us with frustration.

The trick is to stop before you reach the point of self-loathing at the depths of irrelevance to which you've sunk. Hell, I used to participate on the Star Wars Galaxies forums. I'm a sad, sad man.

George said...

Y'know, I figured something. I can't write when I'm being 100% serious, at least when I'm blogging. It bores me, and I come off as whiny, like in this post.

That's why I decided to just delete like half of it, instead of painfully re-editing everything in it. :P

As for your point, I dunno... Since I'm still feeling pretentious, I'll have to quote Nietzsche (hah, got that name right for the first time!). Y'know, you look into the abyss, the abyss looks into you and grins a toothy grin.

Same thing with stupidity. I can indeed feel smart by reading something a random moron posted somewhere, but I'll also lose some of my faith in humanity at the same time. I might have to elaborate on that in a future post. If I feel like I'm not gonna get all whiny again. :P

Still got Lightsaber-envy Tom? lolz. I swear, MMORPG forums must exist on some sort of parallel-Bizzaro universe.