Wednesday, June 6

Wait a sec

It's weird, I was certain I had made a post about the Stardust trailer that was released about two months ago, but it turns out I hadn't. Oh well, better late than never. Here's the trailer for those of you that haven't seen it:

(High-quality trailer here.)

I'm not really sure what to make of this trailer. Stardust is still my most anticipated movie at the moment, but this trailer is a bit... eh. Still, it's just a trailer, I have faith that it will be a good movie.

The original book is a quite simple, yet charming and enchanting, fairy tale. Hopefully the movie will have the same appeal. The visuals are there, and the cast seems solid too. Not too sure about Claire Daines, but hey, Sienna Miller's presence balances it all out.

The official site has also been updated with a lot of interesting content, and it's also really well designed. Worth a visit, I think.

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