Friday, June 22

Fedoras and whips, oh my.

Shooting has begun on the new Indiana Jones movie during the past four days, after years of rumors and speculations. We will find out if it's worth the wait on May 22, 2008. Or you will, I will probably be in the army then *raises his fist in anger*.

It's hard not to be skeptical with all these recent relaunching of various movie franchises lately, most of which were mediocre at best (Rocky, TMNT etc.). And let us not forget about Die Hard PG-13, I mean uh, Die Hard 4.0 which hits theaters next week. I'm still debating whether I should see it in them movies or just boycott it. I mean, it's PG-13. Yippie Kie-Yay Mr. Falcon? *shudders*

So far, I wasn't too sure about the new Indy movie either. The entire franchise (including the Indiana Jones adventure games) is really special to me, so I want to love this movie. But... It's been almost 20 years since The Last Crusade, Sean Connery won't be in it, and isn't Harrison Ford at 64 a little too old for the role?

But today, I saw the following picture:

While looking at it, the Indiana Jones main theme starting playing in my mind.

It just feels right. That's not an old Harrison Ford, that's Indiana Jones. A bit older since we last saw him to be sure, but that's our Indy alright.

I don't know, it could be just nostalgia speaking here, but I am really looking forward to it now. I mean, it's Indiana Jones, how can you mess that up? Even with the rumored plot going on around (don't ask, it's for the best if you don't know), it will take a tremendous amount of effort to make this a bad movie.

I am pretty sure that it would have been better if this movie had come out a decade ago, but it still has the potential to be really flippin' good. Please don't mess this one up, Spielberg. Our childhood/early teen memories have been raped enough already.

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