Sunday, March 11

The (sorta) unthinkable has happened

No, I'm not referring to my updating this blog again after 10,000 years. Between being out of the city for several days, getting a new PS2 because my old one was stolen and other random things, I didn't have much of a chance to write anything, plus I really didn't have anything interesting to say.

Anyway, I'll start with something interesting. Tom made a series of posts on his blog about MMORPG's, they're really well-written and accurate, definitely worth reading if you're into that kind of games, or just gaming in general.

At this point I'd like to point out that I didn't change my site's description because he did it, hell, I hadn't even realized that the word "musing" is derived from the Muses (pathetic, I know), I've just been meaning to do so for a while. So there!

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to refer to the title of this post, which is a reference to the fact that a local channel has started airing Veronica Mars (Message to all Greeks: Κυριακές στο Star Channel, 3.30 με 4.30, να το βλέπετε μη σας πάρει ο Διάκολος!)

I guess since the series is getting cancelled in the States at the end of this season, its royalties must be pretty cheap now, so that even a Greek channel can afford them...


Sorry 'bout that. The good thing is that it will be on the same timeslot that Smallville was on previously, so the target audience is there. Almost.

As for the show itself, watching the pilot again (for like, the 12th time) has made me realized just how much better season 1 was compared to the following 2. Season 2 had its moments and season 3 is pretty solid, but it feels like the writers were a lot more concentrated during the first season. It's kind of like what I read on a forum, the characters in Veronica Mars were created with a specific storyline in mind, that of season 1 of the series. Once they're out of that context, they just seem out of place, we can't relate to their stories as much anymore. But I'll be damned if that whole season isn't among the finest I've ever seen on TV.

Another thing that becomes painfully obvious if you watch any episode of season one of VM today is that its darker elements were lost on the way. No more Noiresque voice-overs by Veronica, hell she's gradually becoming less and less of a badass with every episode. At least some of the storylines are still pretty interesting, and often delightfully cynical.

I think this show will never get over the fact that it tried to go head-to-head with Lost on its second season. Talk about a bad idea.

While on the subject of TV shows, last week's Lost and Heroes were pretty great. I mean, a Lost episode that actually provided some answers, what the fuck! Last weeks "Tricia Tanaka is Dead" was a fun and enjoyable episode, but it was just filler material. This week it was great. But it was a Sayid episode, Sayid episodes are awesome by definition.

I've been wondering why the writers don't show Sayid more often since he's easily one of the best characters, but I think that he's too much of a badass for his own good. If he were always around when a mystery or an Other/Hostile popped up, he'd find a solution in nanoseconds, but we can't have that, can we?

Heroes is really shaping up as well. I never cared much for the writing and the somewhat awkward dialogs, but the plot is finally becoming interesting. Plus, hey, who doesn't love superheroes? Peter Petrelli Vs Sylar, fight!


Anonymous said...

O Διάκολος !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Μπορει να σε πάρει και ο κατάκωλος αν προτιμάς. :P