Friday, February 16

Prepare for Glory!

Hyped yet?

Between Gates of Fire (which I recently finished reading -best book ever) and this, I'm in full-Spartan mode lately. When I'm not playing Phoenix Wright 2 anyway, but I'll talk about that in more detail in a future post.

I have to say, I find all the people drawing parallels between this movie and the current situation in Iran very funny, in a "come on!" way. Seriously, come the fuck on people, stop seeing propaganda and conspiracies all the time.

Sure, the Persians aren't shown in a very positive light neither in the graphic novel nor the movie, but have you seen how the Spartans are portrayed? Heroic, sure, but also militaristic, narrow-minded and undemocratic (is that a word?) as they were, in fact. Yet the whiners totally ignore this. And yes, in the end, despite all this the Spartans are the heroes, but y'know, that's kinda like the whole point of this story.

The only thing I'll give credit to the whiners for is that this movie has bad timing. Fairy nuff, that much is true. Anything beyond that is just stupid though; people just enjoy being paranoid I guess.

I won't even mention the Greeks whining about the fact that the movie won't be historically accurate, since talking to people who just won't get it it's simply a waste of time.


Anonymous said...

Are you implying there are no greek It-getters?

George said...

I would probably go as far as saying that a Greek it-getter is an oxymoron.

But you know, "oxymoron" is a world used exclusively by east-coast, Ivy League educated, liberal, freedom haters.

So I won't.

Tom said...

I wish I could say that this sort of thing is surprising, but we all know it's not. The Greeks are much more focused on maintaining their image of a golden society that, if you're going to be brutally honest, has almost no relation to the current nation then they are on promoting artistic visions. Any perceived slight is blown out of proportion - remember Alexander? - in order to grasp on to a slim thread of relevance.

There certainly are Greek It-getters but they're going to be drowned out by the old guard and the church. That's one of the things that pissed me off from day 1.


Tom said...

Also, this movie is going to FUCKING ROCK. R-O-C-K


George said...

In all fairness, there are Greek it-getters indeed, but the moment they get "it", there's always one thing they do right away.

They get the fuck out of this country.

But yeah, this movie is gonna ROCK so damn HARD! 8 days to go biatch.