Sunday, February 11

In case of emergency, please call...

112. This is the EU equivalent of 911, one emergency phone number to rule them all. It's a welcome change, since currently most countries in the EU have different phone numbers for different services, like the police or the fire department. Moreover, none of these numbers are shared throughout the countries of the EU, so you'd have to memorize each and every one, or at least, you know, store them in your cell. At any rate, with this new number the whole procedure becomes much more simplified, and much faster too, hopefully.

In theory, at least. I somehow doubt Greeks will adapt to this smoothly. It's already a pain to call any civil service here as it is, grouping them up together could prove to be a nightmare. Or it could force the local phone operators to grow the proverbial pair, and actually do their job for once. We'll see, I guess.

The following picture has nothing to do with 112, 911, or anything in this post at all, but I just felt like posting it.
I'm truly sorry.

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