Friday, June 20

Tales of the Bored, Episode IV: A New Hope

First of all, let me get this out of the way real quick: I'm no longer in the army. I won't post the how's and why's here as it's too public a place, but those of you genuinely interested in finding out, you know how to contact me.

Now then, out with the useless, in with the useful. I've decided to re-create this blog into something more... coherent, I think is the word.

For the past two years, Tales of the Bored has been a random collection of all kinds of stuff, from being a repository of things I like, to long-winded rants closely resembling mental diarrhea. And while at times I liked what I posted, it always bothered me that this blog lacked a defining something, a factor which sometimes prohibited me from taking the whole thing seriously.

And in those cases, my rants (not unlike this one) were pretty damn painful to read.

However! As of today, this changes. While I still like too many damn things to focus simply on one of them, I've decided to add some method to this madness. By that I mean that, from now on, each day will have its own theme, with a discussion/analysis/what have you relevant to the theme of the day. More specifically:

  • Mondays will be about contemporary gaming, in general. From the X360, to the DS, to MMORPG's and so on.
  • Tuesdays will be about retro and independent games. I'm a huge fan of retro gaming, so I need one day exclusively to complain about why they don't make games like "X game from the 90's" anymore, and I'm also a big supporter of the independent scene.
  • Wednesdays' focus will be on comic books and literature in general. Where "literature" means "stuff about the 'Song of Ice and Fire' series and anything written by Neil Gaiman".
  • Thursdays' theme will be sports, with a mockery of the Greek national football team as a recurring theme, most likely.
  • Fridays will focus on news and stuff from the Internets. From funny videos to annoying memes and more funny videos, in other words all those useless stuff I usually post when I'm not in the mood for a real post.
  • Saturdays will feature analyses of TV shows and movies in general. The reason I'm doing this on Saturdays is so that I'll have time to comment on the latest Battlestar Galactica, in case you're wondering. Which you probably aren't.
  • Sundays will be a "free topic" day about whatever I feel like on that day. Which on most occasions will probably be simply nothing at all.
Does this mean that Tales of the Bored will be updated on a daily basis from now on? Weeeell. Hopefully. And that's all I'm saying. Hopefully I'll learn to be more laconic this way, if anything. But I'll try to stick to the plan, regardless.

To that effect, today's Internets-related news is about Vreel*... wait that's not working, so today's news is about... Firefox 3.0! You know Firefox already, a very reliable and pretty stable (as stable as anything can be on a PC, really) Interwebs browser, and 3.0 is the best version yet. Opera remains a pretty good alternative, but Firefox has a better name, so get to downloading it already!

*Curses, my plans, foiled! Vreel is supposed to be the new Stage6, and the beta was supposed to go live yesterday. However, besides the 404 error, right now I can only access their bulletin board. Oh well, something for next week, I guess.

TL;DR version:

George is making his New Year's resolutions a bit early this time around, and also makes lame references to popular movies. Missed me? I didn't think so.

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