Friday, September 7

A change of plans

So Greece lost to Russia yesterday, after playing what was probably their worst game in like four years. Seriously, our offense was downright atrocious, and even though Russia played pretty badly, they won quite easily in the end.

I'm getting the idea that the Greek players are too tired from playing all year long since 2004. It would explain while they are so damn slow on offense, which makes them predictable, but also the defense is pretty static on defense as well. I mean, the defense is there and it's still difficult for other teams to score on us, but we don't get as many points from a steal and a fastbreak attack from our good defense, unlike what happened in the last couple of years. Fatigue is my best case as to why this is happening, but I'm hardly an expert on the subject.

For today's post I wanted to write a rant about how useless serving the army in this country is, as you only train for a month and then just clean yards and toilets, but... It felt a bit useless, as I would just be ranting, and its uselessness can be summarized in a single sentence.

So I would just be ranting for the sake of it, and while I've had a streak of bad luck lately, I think rants aren't good for much either. Plus I had decided when I started this blog that I'd stay away from the usual blog-gy rants you find on the Internets, so I'm sticking to that plan.

Instead, I'll close off this post with one of my favorite feel-good songs, from the show Animaniacs, called The Monkey Song. I always watch it whenever I need some cheering, it hasn't failed me yet.

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