Friday, September 7

And Now For Something Completely Disturbing

As I'm writing this, Greece is getting bitchslapped by Spain in Eurobasket 2007. The score right now is 32-18 for the Spaniards, as we're playing even worse than Wednesday's game, not even our defense is doing its job tonight. 'Tis quite sad, as I'm quite proud of this team, but it happens.

But I'd like to discuss something different today. In June's issue of PC Master, a local magazine about PC gaming, there was an editorial piece discussing how absurd the MMORPG community has become. The gist of that article went something like this: Why are people spending hundreds of dollars/euros so their digital avatars will have better gear than the next guy? Why are Chinese people slaving away at some unlit basement so they can gather gold, which their "employers" will sell to the people mentioned above? This feels like something straight out of a weird cyberpunk novel.

(42-24? Make it stop!)

Seriously, if someone was talking about this situation ten or twelve years ago, people would never believe such things would happen.

Yet truth is stranger than fiction, and that was never more true than in the case of a certain girl, a regular World of Warcraft player. Her story is quite... interesting, and if you're observant, you should have noticed that I've already provided a somewhat hidden link to the whole story, including NSFW material.

So what's so interesting about this girl, who shall remain anonymous in this article, then? Well, at first glance it seems that she was using her gender as means to get some of the males in her guild to like her and help her in the game, with items and such. Now that is hardly original, especially given that there's a lot of adolescent, single boys playing such games. Nope, the girl in question was not the first to do such a thing.

What makes this story different is that she did not only send her boytoys the odd smile in-game, giggle in their TeamSpeak server or heck, even have some sort of cybersex with them. She actually sent them nude pictures of herself, and even went as far as to sent out videos where she masturbated in front of her camera! Naturally, the boys went nuts about her, and did all she ever asked for. Of course, massive drama ensued and their guild disbanded, which lead to this story going public after a while, along with the pics and videos.

Now what I find of special interest in this story, is the girl. No, not the guys that went crazy over her. As anyone who has ever played an MMORPG in their lives, you could totally see people acting this way over a girl that's willing to go naked, even if she's not that hot to begin with. What I honestly can't understand is why she would take of her clothes to make a few geeks online like her.

I mean, seriously, out of all the things people can whore themselves out for, she chose to do it so she would receive a few items of great quality in an online game, and for the admiration (to put it lightly) of some men she'll never ever meet nor really care for in her life? Sweet zombie Jesus. How fragile an ego must you have in order to do such a thing?

C'mon girl, others do it and get paid for it, not for a few "epixxx" (triple "x"'s have never been more appropriately used in this word.)

DISCLAIMER: I'm neither saying nor suggesting she would be better off by actually getting paid for getting nekkid. It's merely meant as a joke at the absurdity of it all.

At any rate, I'll be out of town for a few more days, so don't be surprised if updates are scarce again.

(45-27 at the third quarter. This is depressing.)


Anonymous said...

wtf george where is the link

Anonymous said...

LAOS mazi,
bhkame sth voulh !

(It's the story of a society falling from the 10th floor and while it's falling it keeps repeating to itself : So far, so good. Problem is what hurts is not the fall itself but the actual landing)

PS Your Majesty, I would be greatly appreciative if you would call to arrange for a coffee meeting.

George said...

'Tis a shame you can't find it, 'tis really.

Pavlos, get that LAOS shit off my blog, please. :P