Sunday, October 8

"Arrogance or..?" supplementary.

I've been meaning to post this for a while, but I've kept forgetting, mainly because my mind has lately been...

here ->

<- there

everywhere >_<


A few weeks ago I decided to create a slightly aggressive post about the independently created adventure game Les Miserables. I've since spoken to the guy creating the game (it's still an one-man project) and decided I was a bit unfair. He is 100% serious about this, and seems to have a pretty good idea of what he wants to achieve with this game. If nothing else, such projects should be encouraged instead of ridiculed, so for what it's worth, I admit to being unfair in my previous assessment of the game.

My main point still remains though. There's an unwritten rule about games that amass hype long before their release, they rarely even get finished, so aspiring creators, take note. Those gods, they could really do with some anger management lessons I tell you. In any case, I'll cross my fingers for this specific project.

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