Tuesday, September 16

[Indie Tuesday] The Independent Games Festival

The IGF is exactly what its name so subtly suggests; in other words, as their "About" page mentions it was "established the Independent Games Festival in 1998 to encourage innovation in game development and to recognize the best independent game developers."

This year they're offering as much as almost $50.000 (which is like 20 euros, haw haw*) to the winners, including a $20.000 award for the first place. The deadline for submissions is November 1st, so there's still time if you already have a project you're working on, or you're really damn gifted. For more information, visit this page.

(via IndieGames.com)

* Yeah, I can't do jokes today.

TL;DR version:

I'm having some serious PC problems these days, I promise I'll go back to those huge blocks of texts eventually. Or perhaps I shouldn't.

I also wish I were competent enough to enter the Festival. Oh, well.

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