Thursday, November 16

The obligatory "Go watch Veronica Mars!" post.

It's kind of disturbing that I haven't mentioned this show already, given that I use this blog to talk about things I like, and Veronica Mars is pretty much my favorite show ever. Oh well, better late than never I guess. Here's a first taste of what it's like:

As you may have already guessed from the above video, VM is a character driven show. Singular, character, the main emphasis is on the eponymous heroine herself, though most other characters are well developed as well. And I don't mean character-driven in the Lost-"We'll tease you with shitloads of information & puzzles that we'll probably never fully reveal because this show is all about the characters dummy" way, thank the gods. There are still several plots going around, which are for the most part really interesting and well-developed, though the writers seem to lose focus when it comes to the end resolution of a season sadly. But in its heart, VM is the story of a young girl who's forced to enter maturity earlier than she has to, after her best friend is brutaly murdered and she herself is raped soon thereafter, and the subsequent effect that these events have on her life and her interaction with others.

My favorite description of VM is "Teen Noir", in fact it was the use of this term that made me want to see what the deal with this show is (I'm a fan of all things Noir). And it's true, despite having a teenage girl as the protagonist, the show is true to the rest of the "rules" of Noir. The protagonist is a brooding misanthropist, yet not all that bad when you get to know her, and her off-the-camera depictions of events give a unique twist to the usual "quirky teen drama" TV genre. I'll post another video that depicts this darker side of the show on a subsequent post.

Currently in its third (and sadly, most likely last due to lack of viewers) season, Veronica Mars is a show that shows just how good quality TV can be. The writing is excellent, fully of funny one-liners, hilarious innuendo and likeable, if not loveable, characters. Sure, as I said already the writers seem to mess up season finales (season 1 was passable, disappointing for the most part with just the last 10 minutes being exceptionally good, while season 2 was almost disastrous), season 2 was inconsistent quality-wise, and season 3 has had a series of good episodes but no great ones so far... But that does not change the fact that VM is one of the best shows of recent years, and definitely one of the most overlooked ones.

It's really mind-boggling how a show that's well written, has received ridiculously high praise from Pop-culture heroes such as Kevin Smith, Stephen King and Josh Whedon, and also stars a seriously hot and likeable girl fails to attract audiences... Oh well, at least we'll have 3 high-quality seasons and the show won't drag on unnecessarily, I guess that's something.

So yeah, go watch Veronica Mars, now! That's an order, private!

In other, earth-shattering news, being sick sucks. You heard it here first, folks.

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