Tuesday, July 15

[Monday Post] Seriously, this is still Monday

I've been trying to log in to Blogger all day long, but I was constantly getting time out errors. I think I have to blame my connection which has been acting up lately.

At any rate, I was going to talk about E3, with the regular crap as how it's not as important as it used to be, blah blah, adding a little touch of how hype can make or break anything these days, such as the Sony PS3 "$600" disaster of '06. To that effect, I'd mention BioWare's upcoming game, Dragon Age, which had one (actually two) of the worst teaser trailers ever, so utterly generic and stupid it hurt.

It remains to be seen whether the hype machine will manage to recover Dragon Age, but right now the big news is something different, something that would make my "E3 isn't as important as it used to be" statement utterly null and void.

You see, Final Fantasy XIII, one of the most anticipated games of this generation of gaming, is no longer a PS3 exclusive, as it's also coming to the Xbox 360. That's huge, as FFXIII was one of the last big exclusives the PS3 had. I'm too tired and very unsober to read through the fanboy outrage right now, and I have the new Futurama DVD to watch, but I'll savour that for tomorrow, it should be sweet.

It makes sense though, this move. Given the costs of games these days, it only logical that most games are not confined to one console anymore. Game companies are supposed to make money after all, not drown in debt. It really feels like the era of exclusives (outside of first-party games, naturally) is coming to an end.

To me, a usually-happy-but-lately-grumpy (UNBAN ME ALREADY) Xbox360 owner, it doesn't really change much. I'm not a very big fan of the series, and I generally find jRPG's boring, but this sure is a big deal, and the outcome could be huge. We'll see, I guess.

TL;DR version:

Pigs are a-flyin'.

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